⭐️Another Wolf of Wall Street Competition⭐️
As you know we have an exclusive online event with Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street coming up on the 22nd of April and so in addition to our luxury prize competition, where people who book a £20 ticket via https://thewolfofwallstreet.prsnts.co.uk get entered in to a prize draw on the evening with a chance to win a fabulous luxury prize*, we are also now running another Competition!
* Prize consists of a Hotel & Spa break at our sponsors, Lanelay Hall Hotel & Spa in Wales, worth £500! See the post for this previous competition here!
For more about the Luxury Weekend Break competition and event see previous blog posts or visit our events page!
⭐️New Competition⭐️
The second competition is for the chance to ask Jordan Belfort a question on the evening?
So if you are attending the event or want to attend the event what question would you ask Jordan Belfort, and the person with the best question, will get the opportunity to ask it. To enter please email your question to paul@prsnts.co.uk or get involved in the Competition by following Paul Smolinski on LinkedIn or the PRSNTS Facebook page and enter your question in the comments below a recent post about the Competition!